
Practical Customer Support Software

Conversation-style activity tracking

Your customers and your support staff could see clearly the activity log of all the activities done for a single ticket or issue. 

Collaborate with private notes

Budget Support Software allows staff users to exchange notes on a ticket for further collaboration by sending an alert via email to each other. 

Customized form fields

You can add multiple levels of dependent custom fields in which you want your contacts to fill in when creating a new ticket or registering.

Own branded support portal

Provide your customers with a simple yet comprehensive ticket management system that can be easily accessed through any web browser.

Smarter support ticket search

Precise search functionality lets you get to the ticket you’re looking for instantly. Search supports smart operators like ticket number, tags, contact name, email, and even custom fields.

Customize all outgoing email

Template-based notification allows you to have specially customized content for various categories. Add any of the available dynamic tags in each notification.

Canned replies for quicker responses

Canned responses help you get past run-of-the-mill standard emails in no time. You can set a filter to automatically send an auto-response or just pick a canned reply while replying to your email.

Change ticket ownership, move tickets

Lets you move tickets across departments, facilitating easy and simple collaboration across teams. The ticket can be assigned to another staff easily when replying to the ticket.